SAVE UP TO $49,500 just by switching to Red Titan IV!

Regular oils only last 15,000 miles
Ruby Red IV lasts up to 40,000 miles

Red Titan IV is made with a
15+ TBN (Total Base Number), compare this to most oils ranging from 2 to 12 TBN. The TBN is what neutralizes acidic compounds. That is why it lasts so much longer than other oils.

So . . . with a
TOTAL SAVINGS of up to: $49,500
countless miles added to the life of your engine
extra power
less breakdowns and less downtime
This decision is truly a "no brainer".
In 1 million miles a semi using regular oil will change
70 times costing $27,000.
A semi using Red Titan IV will change oil approximately
25 times costing $12,500.
A potential savings of:

(because of a smoother, cleaner burning engine, maximizing engine efficiency through additives designed for today’s engines.)

Over a 1 million mile period that is:
in fuel costs savings and over 10,000 gallons of diesel!
Synthetic Blend Motor Oil 15+TBN,
Meets or exceeds CI-4, CH-4 specifications

You also save on routine maintenance costs due to the numerous superior additives. 40% of engine wear is caused at start-up because the oil has settled to the bottom of the engine and it takes a minute to begin circulation. This is not an issue with the Red Titan IV because of our patented super-slick technology. Red Titan immediately circulates leaving the essential metal parts fully lubricated even after the oil has settled effectively eliminating most of the wear of your engine.

Our Ultima 2100 is a breakthrough in lubrication technology with an extremely high dropping point of 630 degrees.

It represents the absolute pinnacle of protection for your valuable machinery in both extreme heat and friction.

Ultima 2100 is exceptionally stable, thick, long lived and
highly water-resistant. In fact, it actually displaces water on metal surfaces, allowing it to be used in areas where ordinary greases would be simply washed away.

Suggested Applications:
Ideal for covering heat, moisture, load impact and stability concerns.

Areas of application would include:
steel mills, hot corrugators, oven conveyors, farming, trucking, chassis points, coal stokers, and many more.

Also, with a minimum
Timkin load rating of 100+ lbs it is an extreme high pressure grease. So you get the utmost heat, water, and pressure resistance.

Lubrication Grease

Our EP Lube is a tacky grease with outstanding versitility loaded with EP additives including PTFE. It is also known for its incredible impact, temperature and water resistance.
To top it off EP Lube's oxidation and corrosion inhibitors help multiply its life and protection ability. Timken load rating is 100+lbs.

EP Lube is recommended for all types of bearing grease applications such as
ball roller, high and low speed, sealed or open bearings.
Highly Versitile Gear Lubricant

646 Supreme Gear Lubricant is compounded to last up to twice as long, even under the most adverse conditions. It is undoubtedly one of the best gear lubricants obtainable today. 646 is formulated to provide superior lubrication in virtually unlimited types of enclosed gears.

646 maintains its fluidity in cold weather making cold start-up shifting much easier. This same combination of ingredients still provides for high temp operations . . . thereby providing a wide operational temperature range for operating in varying climatic conditions.

Less need for draining the lubricant means less down time fo rthe equipment. Manufactured from 100% virgin base oil stocks. To these are blended a special combination of additives which result in the very low-no-channeling temperature, E P properties, high viscosity indes, corrosion resistance and anti-wear properties.

USDA Authorized (BB rating), Meets or exceeds: MIL-L-2105, MIL-L-2105B, MIL-L-2105C, GL2, GL3,GL4,GL5, Non-foaming, flashpoint over 500 degrees F.

Available in SAE 75, SAE 80W-90 and SAE 85W-140
Industrial Cleaner

An all-purpose, biodegradable, non-flammable, a very powerful cleaner with no toxic or hazardous fumes.

Green Fury can be used on many surfaces from rubber to concrete, and all types of metallic surfaces, even aluminum.

It also has an unusually
mild pH range of 7.0 to 9.0 making it safe for hands.

Especially effective for use cleaning up after using our oil,
grease, and conditioner blends.
This is a well rounded cleaner which works well with our products due to their extremely high slick lubricity. It’s safe to use on many industrial surfaces then use to wash your hands at jobs end making it an all-in-one clearner.

Multi-purpose Industrial

Command is a clean, fluorescent pink with a light synthetic detergent odor. It is a highly sophisticated cleaning compound consentrate composed of a balanced blend of emulsifiers, cleaners, solvents, and wetting agents. It has a LCS pH of 12.4. May vary slightly with different concentrations.

A multi-purpose
detergent, uniquely formulated for use with pressure washing equipment in addition to all types of manual cleaning. Highly alkaline for chemical "bite", Command is safe for use on all type sof ferrous and non-ferrous metals, rubber, vinyl, and most paints and plastics. It is ideal for more efficient removal of grease, oil, dirt, cutting oils, grimes, syrups, and adhesives.

Can be applyied by spraying, wiping, brushing or with a pressure washing machine, then rinse or wipe off.

Diesel Treatment: 1 oz per 7 gal.
(about 1 qt. per 100-250 gal.)

Save up to $35,000 over the life of your semi.
Up to 5% fuel savings - with fuel cost at $3.50.
Average truck lasts 1,000,000 miles with a 5 mpg average = $35,000

One of the most powerful fuel conditioners you’ll ever use. You will realize an instant power boost with the first use as it contains a cetane booster that helps diesel fuel burn more completely, cleans old injectors and lubricates moving parts.

Also, because it’s so potent you will use a fraction of the TITAN GUARD 12 to treat your fuel, compared to other fuel conditioners! You will save up to 5% on your total fuel costs. That makes it an all in one fuel conditioner that has no drawbacks, and no hassle.
Fuel Conditioner for gas or diesel
(Cleans Injectors, Lubricates Fuel Pump, and Anti-Gelling Agent)
Water or waterless hand cleaner

Royal Clean hand cleaner is specially formulated to liquify and lift tough grease, grime, and stains from your hands with or without water.

Royal Clean's unique combination of lanolin and moisturizers penetrate rough and dry skin, leaving you with clean and conditioned hands.

Rich creamy cleaner penetrates and helps heal dry skin, enriches with lanolin and moisturizers and leaves your hands feeling non-greasy.

Ultimate Lubrication Grease
Synthetic Blend Motor Oil

Titan Gold was formulated to tackle the specific needs of newer diesel engines after 2007.

Titan Gold deals directly with problems associated with EGR
(Exhaust Gas Recirculation) used in new diesel engine designs.

Specific Gravity .88, TBN 14+