Cars and Pickups
Fuel Conditioner for Gas or Diesel Engines

We are very proud of our TITAN GUARD 12. It has been scientifically proven to save you 3% to 5% on fuel. Some of our own trials have yielded over double those results, up to 11%.

12 is so concentrated it takes very little treatment to yield you big savings. It can treat several different types of fuel besides just gas and diesel, including kerosene and home heating oil.

It not only lubricates upper cylinders and fuel pump O-rings, it is designed to maximize horse power (cleaner injectors), pump life (excellent lubrication), and reduce overall fuel costs.
Our Red Titan IV Synthetic Blend Motor Oil is made with a 15+ Total Base Number (TBN - which is how effective the oil is at neutralizing acidic contaminants.) Compare this to most synthetic oils ranging from 2 to 12.

This is extremely important since acidic contaminants in the engine corrode essential ring and liner parts and increase the overall wear of your engine, while decreasing the life of your engine.
Red Titan IV
Synthetic Blend Motor Oil for Gas or Diesel Engines
Not only that but ou rRed Titan IV provides increased soot control by suspending soot and other contaminants allowing them to be filtered with more ease. This is essential for many new engine designs (Especially Diesel Engines) that are trying to "Recycle" Exhaust Gas Emissions leading to increased soot content in engines, increased corrosion, and increased internal engine temperature. Issues that are all addressed in our Red Titan IV Synthetic Blend Formula.
Synthetic Blend, API Gravity 26/28, TBN 15

Titan Supreme is a special synthetic blend. Specific additives have been added to the high quality base stocks to provide protection in many different ways.

For example: Foam inhibitors, rust inhibitors, anti-wear additives, corrosion inhibitors, and detergent - dispersants. Single weight available in 6 Gallon Bucket or 55 Gallon Drum.

Meets or exceeds CF classifications
Available in SAE 30, SAE 40
Also, a higher TBN means an oil that lasts up to 3 times as long as other synthetic oils. This means that your oil change will last up to 40,000 miles instead of the usual 3,000 resulting in drastic savings
in time, money, and less waste oil for the